More metrics, new Periods selector and more

18 January 2024v1.19.0

New Explorer metricsCopy

Each metric tab will now display additional related metrics when you activate it. Among them are completely new ones like:

  • Average Asset Buy Price, also available on the asset's price chart

  • Unrealized Returns and their ROI - showing returns of currently opened positions

  • Open & Close Win Rates - what part of your currently opened or closed investments brought profit?

  • Fixed Income per Month and Day - how close are you to a salary sponsored by fixed income?

  • Fees broken down into cost of opening, closing, fixed-income and other

New Period selectorCopy

Switching time periods should be quick and easy. With the new selector you can pick one of the predefined periods, type in yours (eg. 2020 : 2023, 2020-06 : ytd, 2023-12), or choose with a date-picker. Then, you can quickly compare year-to-year or period-to-period by jumping back and forth with +/-1 buttons.

Finally, you can pin the ones you need most often to see them directly in the Explorer and Summary. And yes, YTD & MTD have finally arrived as well!

Returns calculation optionsCopy

Everybody understands returns a little bit differently and now you can tweak how Capitally calculates them. You can choose the method and whether fees and taxes should be included. The options are available under the Cog icon next to the currency selector. You can change them just for one Explorer session or set as defaults for the project, so Summary will also use them.

And if you're looking for the benchmark selector in Explorer - it's now moved to the second row under Return Rate tab.

And more...Copy

  • Fixed Income Yield on Cost is now more accurate

  • Assets will have Domicile Country defined in their taxonomies (handy for upcoming taxes!)

  • You can add the Cashflow column to the Transactions table if you want to see how much money you've put in or out within a transaction (includes cost/revenue, fees and tax paid)

  • Some asset's prices where not updating for the past week - sorry for that!