
An easy to use and ultra-flexible importing mechanism is the core tenet of Capitally - you should be able to import from any source without having to "massage" the data beforehand. While we had probably the most powerful setup among tracking apps, it still didn't fully fulfill that promise.

From today, if you enabled the Early Access, you will be able to check out the very early version of new imports experience. For now, it will try to convert your existing import templates to the new format and use them. Soon, there will be new built-in presets with support for Dividends, and you'll be able to edit and create your own.

It's a pretty big undertaking, as the new experience is built from scratch. And as always, there are improvements all around. This time, there are new Toasts with direct access to Undo.

In case of an error, a description will be displayed along with a copy button - once clicked, it will copy the error details if you want to send them to us.

Another one is the top-right loading spinner, which now shows the loading progress - pretty handy on large portfolios.

Improved performance on large projects
22 August 2024v1.40.0

Recent updates, such as taxes, income estimation, and reinvesting, have added a significant amount of complexity. This made the app slower, especially on larger projects.

However, that's no longer the case. In fact, the latest optimizations have brought over 100x improvement in many typical situations.

The app should now handle over 10,000 transactions across hundreds of assets without issue, leaving ample headroom for upcoming new features.

Today's update is about Dividends and other forms of Income you can track in Capitally. There's a whole article that describes it in details, but let's quickly go through the new stuff here.

Smarter automatic dividendsCopy

If you manually added or imported an income transaction, it'll prevent creating an automatic one if the transaction's date is anywhere between the ex-date and two weeks after the payment date. This means less cleanup work for you!

And yes, there's a Payment Date filled for most dividends, so you can immediately see when they'll arrive on your account. There's even a nice Upcoming badge and a Summary widget summarizing those!

By the way, support for confirming dividend record straight from broker statements is right around the corner as well!

Dividends paid in sharesCopy

Ever received dividends in shares instead of cash? Now you can record that in Capitally! Both fractional shares and full shares + residual cash are supported. Check out our in-depth article on how to use them.

Automatic reinvesting & DRIP supportCopy

For any asset, account or asset & account combination you can precisely control what to do with automatic dividends. They can be disabled, or reinvested - both with fractional and full shares. You can even set a % discount on share price, which is perfect for DRIP.

Estimated future incomeCopy

Want to see what's coming up? You can now check all upcoming dividends in both the Transactions list and the metrics & charts. Just select a future date period like +1y or 2024. What's more, we'll estimate the future income years into the future - based on the historical performance.

Our estimation engine is pretty smart - it can detect multiple series of income events per asset (like quarterly dividends plus yearly special dividends) and estimate future events separately. It even estimates Rental income based on at least three rent payments!

There are additional metrics available based on that - Income growth, cadence and streak.

And more!Copy

There are many small improvements throughout as always, but it's worth noting, that:

  • you can now assign tags to specific Asset & Account combination. Just edit the Asset or Account, and configure it in the Positions tab - just where you can set the Dividends handling

  • there are two new import templates - PKO and ING Bank Śląski

Work on improved dividends support has kicked off with a complete rewrite of yield calculations.

Yield on market price is now available everywhere, not only in the single asset view. When there are multiple assets, it will show you a principal-weighted average, including assets that don't bring you any income. To keep it in-line with the standard approach, the income always takes into account 1 year of payments. It takes into account both transactions you've added and the marked data, so it now properly covers assets you didn't have for the full year, and any custom assets like Real Estate.

Yield on Cost is now based on the average holding-period principal, which makes it both more accurate and stable across date ranges. If you annualize returns, YoC will be annualized as well, which is perfect for comparison with the Yield on Price.

Also, the Fixed Income has been renamed to Investment Income, or just Income - as it's not necessarily fixed.

Position Opened / Closed filters now behave differentlyCopy

These filters now apply only to the actual lots, not to Income events as it was previously. So once you choose lots opened or closed within a certain period, all Income transactions that are related to these lots will always be included. What's really nice, is that they will be included proportionately. So if you bought 100 shares, received a dividend on them and later sold 50 of them, if you filter only opened position, you'll see only the income brought by these 50 shares that remain open.

New filter: With Transaction TypeCopy

You can now filter position units by transaction types that relate to them. By selecting only Sell, you will see only units that were closed with a Sell transactions, conversely, you can use is not Sell to see only units that were never sold.

It also works the same with Income transactions. To see only dividend-paying assets, just filter by With Transaction Type is Dividend

Plus a few notable changes and fixes:Copy

  • currency conversion rates will now look for the longest history available, trying to use major intermediary currencies like USD if there's no direct rate that is long enough

  • on some exchanges, the day's close price was only available a few hours after trading closed - we'll now display the last recorded intraday price in the meantime

  • on some devices the Add Transaction modal was not opening - it should be fixed now

More accurate market data
5 July 2024v1.34.0

From time to time our data provider fixes some small discrepancies in the price data or market events. As Capitally has to make a copy of this data to run as quickly as it does, this copy sometimes became out of sync with the source, leading to errors - especially around splits and dividends.

With this update the local copies will be automatically synced again whenever such change occurs, without any intervention on your side.

To make the price update dates more transparent, when you open the Asset's Price tab, you will see the last updated time, a symbol if the price is manual or intraday, and last update time for currency rates.

Have you ever wondered how much you gained or lost by making your move at a certain time? Like, how much would the bitcoins sold 10 years ago be worth today?

This is called Opportunity Cost and the lower it is, the better your timing decision was. Of course, no transactions happen in the vacuum - by selling one asset you could buy another one, and this is already included in your Returns. But the Opportunity Cost may give you this little bit of perspective.

You can add it on the Portfolio's Transactions table, along with Current Market Value.

In addition, there's a built-in support for Revolut Investments and Spanish Savings Income taxes.

Icons, icons everywhere!
28 June 2024v1.32.0

They say that a picture is worth a thousands words, and it's especially true if you have thousands of words in a table and you want to quickly find that one asset.

So to make it easier, and also to make your portfolio even more customizable, all objects - assets, accounts, markets, tags, taxonomies - can now have a logo, flag, emoji or just a symbol as their picture.

In addition, you can set a color as well, which will be used on charts and tag/taxonomy labels.

Most of your stocks should be updated with logos automatically on the first open. For everything else - just edit the object.

Brand new editable charts
24 June 2024v1.30.18

Oh boy, this is a big one. The portfolio charts have been completely overhauled, complete with a new look, new chart types, "privacy" mode and a huge level of customization.

New lookCopy

Charts use a new color palette, that is way more discernible, but still easy on the eyes. All visual aspects like spacing, hover effects, transparency and tooltips where highly optimized to find the balance between looks and functionality.

You can also choose one of the three sizes, or hide the chart altogether. On the left axis, you will always see the min & max labels, and you can always toggle the transaction markers, which are now drawn directly on the line series. Plus if you hover the marker, you will see the icons for transaction types that occurred within the hovered period.

And finally, there's a legend under the chart, where you can quickly highlight the series and toggle them. With a double-click, you will hide all series except the one you clicked. 🦉

New chart typesCopy

I think the venerable Donut doesn't need any introduction...

Heatmap uses colors to tell you how different parts of your portfolio performed. The size of the rectangles is based on a new metric - Average Invested Principal - so even if position is closed, you can still see it here.

Variation (or Swarm) shows how much of variability is in your portfolio and where it comes from. The bigger the circle, the bigger the Average Invested Principal - so big circles that are far from 0 will have a large impact on your returns.

And you can edit any of the charts by clicking on the chart button. There's plenty of options to discover, plus one "hidden" type of chart - a typical Bar chart, but displaying groups instead of dates as bars.

"Privacy" mode for perfect screenshotsCopy

Ever wanted to share with somebody your portfolio composition without giving them too much details? Well, now you can toggle any chart from numbers # to percents %. Just remember, that tooltips still display all the details. Also, it can be quite helpful to quickly compare values with each other, and works on all types of charts.

Make your own chart (or change existing one)Copy

And finally, similarly to how Filters work, you can save any changes to the built-in charts, create new ones or delete them. All changes will be synchronized between devices and you can undo them whenever you make a mistake.

Too much? Here's a 12-min walkthroughCopy

You can now precisely select which early access features you want to use.

There's a new tab under settings - Early Access, where you can control them.

There's a notable new one - Chart Presets - and these will be frequently updated in the days to come. Check them out and remember leave your feedback on the roadmap.

There's also one notable change to charts for everyone: Compare, Stacked & 100% charts will now always display 5 top sorted by the metric (instead of top 5 from the table).

Improved returns calculations
4 June 2024v1.29.0

This update gives you even more control over how portfolio returns are calculated and refines some aspects to make it more accurate.

There are two new articles that describe how these work: Calculating returns in help and Measuring Investment Performance on our blog.

Improved Time Weighted ReturnCopy

TWR should remove all investor actions from returns. Previously buying or selling at a discount was included in TWR. Now it's entirely removed and only the closing prices are used for calculation.

Improved cashflows in Return on InvestmentCopy

ROI simply compares cashflows coming in & out of position. Previously however, if you reinvested money from a closed position, it would be counted twice, making the return much lower than it should be. The cashflows are now tracked to mitigate this.

Annualized returnsCopy

You can now choose to annualize any Rate of Return. We recommend using the Auto option as it will annualize only periods above 1 year.

All the rates will be annualized, including Price rates and Benchmarks.

Excluding Fixed Income and Other transactionsCopy

You can now exclude Fixed Income and value changes reported in Other transactions. This will be reflected in Return, Realized Return, Capital Return and Rate of Return.

If Fixed Income is excluded, it will be removed from benchmarks that are based on assets as well.

General improvementsCopy

  • IRR is now more accurately called MWR

  • The options selector and description popups have been completely overhauled, hopefully educating you on what the choices mean and what is enabled.

  • The Returns tab will now be labeled with appropriate metric name, so you can understand at a glance what returns are enabled. You will see Total Returns, Nominal Returns, Total A-tax Returns and so on.

As always, you can change the calculation options in the Settings -> Analysis or on the Portfolio page

The following settings will now be synced between devices, which also means you shall never loose them and can undo changes:

  • Date periods

  • Portfolio table options, like enabled columns or view density

On a related note, two small proposals from our users were implemented as well:

Keep them coming!

Take part in the community!
9 May 2024v1.27.1

I'm excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Community Forum, and I'd love all of you to become a part of it! 🥳

This is your chance to connect with other awesome people who share the interest in growing their wealth and help shape the future of Capitally.

In the forum, you also can:

Plus, if you're a subscriber, you'll get exclusive access to the Subscribers Lounge and a real-time chat where you can hang out with other members! 😎

Joining the discussion is super easy – just use your existing account to log in, and your profile will be set up automatically. From there, you can customize your username, name, and avatar to make it your own.

I can't wait to see you in the forum and hear your ideas! Let's build something amazing together. 🙌

To find the forum, just look for the link in the top-right menu of the app. 

See you there! 😁

This update fixes a few issues we've discovered lately:

  1. Some crypto and fractional shares transactions could cause issues with calculating returns and FIFO order. We've increased the internal floating precision we can handle to 9 decimal digits (previously we handled 6) and fixed some issues with transactions that require higher precision.

  2. The Coinbase import was updated to the newest format. There's now additional Coinbase (conversions) importer that will handle any token conversions you might have.

  3. Exporting an account that uses a custom tax preset will export the preset as well.

  4. When adding Buy/Sell/Transfer transactions in a different currency then asset's, you will now see the market price in the currency of your choice. They will also display for transactions on Cash accounts.

More details in Taxes Due Report
24 April 2024v1.26.3

Additional columns are now available in Taxes Due Report to give you more context about where the numbers are coming from:

  • Opening Transaction

  • Opening FX - Foreign exchange rate applied to opening transaction

  • FX Rate - Foreign exchange rate applied to the closing transaction/dividend value/market value

Remember, that Income & Revenue depend on the tax preset and might be different from the values in the transactions.

If any of the included transactions where unconfirmed (e.g., auto-generated dividends), a warning will be displayed asking you to review them. There's a link that will open the Portfolio with options applied to make it easy for you to review and confirm these transactions.

Lastly, there's a link that will open the Taxable Income Report with the same currency & filtering settings as you're currently viewing in Taxes Due.

Row selection and Batch editing
20 April 2024v1.26.0

Spring cleaning is here, and we've made it super-easy for you to tidy up your data. You can now select multiple rows and modify many items at once. Change the account, tags, or taxonomies, or simply delete the items you no longer need.

Copying or exporting selected rows is now possible as well. We've added a new option to export items in the Capitally format, which you can later import into another project.

Filtering selected rows is also available. You can choose to include only the selected rows or exclude them from the view. It's a regular filter, so you can save it for later use.

Finally, transactions tab now has a separate dropdown where you can toggle transaction types and states. For example, you can view only unconfirmed dividends, allowing you to verify and confirm them in one go.

Nestable Accounts
16 April 2024v1.25.2

You can now organize your accounts into nestable folders.

To create a new folder, simply type its name when editing the account. To create a nested structure, use the "/" character (e.g., "Brokers/Foreign").

Asset Filtering
15 April 2024v1.25.0

You can now choose positions using powerful filters. You can quickly create a new filter or reuse ones you've previously created and saved.

These filters are indeed powerful - in addition to choosing specific assets, accounts, markets, or tags, you can also include only positions of a certain age, those opened on specific dates, or only those that are still open.

You can apply these filters in the Portfolio, Reports, Push Notifications, and Summary sections.

Moreover, you can use any of the filters (or accounts) as your benchmark! Simply start typing the name of the filter or account to find it. The return rate calculation method used will be the same as the one you've chosen in the Portfolio/Project settings.

To make it easier to compare longer periods, a new "Annual Benchmark" metric has been added next to "Annualized IRR".

Additionally, two new import templates have been introduced for Spanish Self Bank and ING Direct.

When searching for an asset symbol, you can now directly select the symbol and exchange from the list. Assets you already own will appear on a single line, as their symbols have already been selected. Should you need to change this, you have the option to edit the asset or create a custom one.

When adding a transaction manually, the system will automatically select the account with the most recent transaction involving that asset. Accounts that have held the asset in the past will be highlighted as recommended options, with the quantity and selected dates displayed on the badge.

Full Tax Support (and more)
29 March 2024v1.24.0

Full tax support has finally arrived, and it's incredibly flexible. You can model virtually any tax rule from around the world, including Capital Gains, Wealth Tax, Progressive Tax Rates, domicile differences, and more. Once you set up the Tax Presets, you'll get comprehensive tax reports, and you can analyze tax metrics just like any other metric in your portfolio.

This even includes Harvestable Tax, which estimates how much tax you could recover by selling some losing positions.

There are already early versions of presets for US, UK, Poland, Netherlands and Italy. If you need another one - you can create your own. You can get some inspiration from our walkthrough video or demo.

If you've made a preset you'd like to share or need a specific one to include, please let us know or checkout the newly created repository where we can collaborate on new additions!

And there's moreCopy

  • Every single notes field now supports text formatting. It works similarly to Notion: you can use Ctrl/Cmd+B to make the text bolder or type **bold** to do the same. By pasting a URL address over selected text, you can create a link.

  • You can specify a country for accounts.

  • When editing a transaction, you can change its type.

  • Settings have been completely reorganized.

  • You can finally change your display name in your profile.

  • There's a new import template for Trading 212.

Improved startup and updates
11 March 2024v1.22.0

All of the app's internals have been greatly modified to allow for faster startup, smoother updates, and offline support.

Fixes and improvements
28 February 2024v1.21.0

This version introduces several enhancements based on recent updates, but it also addresses issues that were either caused or revealed by these updates.

  • All charts, tables, and summaries now employ the same calculation methods.

  • The Returns chart now shows the returns from the start of the selected period, rather than absolute returns. This change ensures consistency with the returns displayed in the Summary and the Table below.

  • All values and charts have been updated to correctly include the first day of the selected period. The value for the first day will seldom be zero, as it uses the previous day's data as the basis for calculation. This adjustment ensures that every day within the selected period is accounted for in a uniform manner.

  • Date pickers and dates should now function correctly across time zones that are significantly different from GMT, such as those in the US or Australia.

  • Unrealized returns will now properly exclude fees and be accounted only for the selected period.

  • Two new columns have been made available in the Portfolio section: 'Returns (1 year)' and 'Returns (max)', which can be added regardless of the period selected.

  • The transaction fields for Fees and Tax Paid will now accept negative values to account for situations where fees or taxes were adjusted at a later date.

  • You can now include capital, currency, and fixed returns in the Income Report if necessary.

  • Rows in expandable tables have improved indentation.

  • Group headers will no longer appear if all items within a group have been filtered out.

  • Split transactions are now visible again.

Central Bank currencies (EUR, NOK & PLN)
23 February 2024v1.20.3

In some tax jurisdictions, you are required to use official Central Bank's foreign exchange rates. To complicate it further, you may be required to use a different date than the transaction date to get the rate ( 🇵🇱 👀 ).

Both are now possible in Capitally! Just type EUR.CB, NOK.CB or PLN.CB when selecting a currency and you will see all the numbers using the official rates.

In the Taxable Income Report you can additionally choose the Currency Date Offset.

Income Report and new tables
20 February 2024v1.20.0

This update is huge! So much has changed that it feels almost like a 2.0 version. Let's dive into the new features then!

Income ReportCopy

Tax season is almost upon us, so it's high time for Capitally to offer proper assistance. Although full tax support is still in development, we've added a new Reports section where you can quickly review your current open positions, as well as returns from closed ones and fixed income.

The Explorer has been renamed to Portfolio and features a brand-new tableCopy

The new table not only looks much better but also includes several handy new features:

  • Positions can now be expanded to show lots, allowing you to view the returns from each purchase separately. When you navigate to an asset, you can see the individual lots.

  • Accounts can now be expanded to display positions.

  • Taxonomy trees are also expandable, enabling you to view the entire tree in one place.

  • A totals row has been added.

  • There is a Dense view option for fitting more rows on a single screen.

  • When sorting by a numeric value, rows are organized into buckets.

  • The column picker has been streamlined for easier navigation, with columns now grouped by category. This eliminates the need to reorder them, and you can toggle a column across all views at once with the Apply changes everywhere button.

  • The Returns and Asset Price columns now display the rate of return and a price trend, respectively.

  • The Invested Principal column indicates the change within a period, making it easier to track how much you've adjusted your position during that time.

  • All "Total *" metrics have been removed due to performance issues and limited benefits. You can still view totals by setting the "max" or using the new "hold" period.

  • The "Pairs (FIFO)" tab has been eliminated, with all relevant information now accessible in the Income Report.

  • Lastly, the Transaction Balance column now reflects the balance after the transaction, rather than before as it previously did.

Print and Export tablesCopy

All tables are now printer-friendly. Simply press Ctrl/Cmd+P or use the new export button to print or create a PDF for your records or tax accountant. From the same menu, you can also copy the data or generate a CSV or XLS file.

All exported versions will include the columns you've enabled and only the rows that are visible, allowing you to control the amount of data you wish to include.

Positions, Lots and Units...Copy

There's some new terminology to familiarize yourself with:

Position Units - Units represent the smallest segment of a position, determined by an opening transaction and, optionally, a closing one. A partial sale will split the unit into two parts: a closed unit and the remaining open unit. These were previously referred to as "Pairs."

Transaction Lots - Lots consist of all units that were opened by the same transaction. Each time you make a purchase, you open a Lot. If you sell part of this Lot, that portion is considered closed.

Position - A Position is the aggregation of all units of the same Asset within the same Account. It reflects the total amount you hold of a particular Asset in a specific Account.

New look & feelCopy

All icons have been updated with lighter, crisper versions. The buttons have been given a bit more depth to enhance visibility. The highlights have been made more subdued. And the table now finally resembles a proper table, with all numbers aligned to the right, maintaining a consistent two-digit minimum precision for currencies, and column widths adjusted to fit the content.

To accommodate the Reports section on mobile devices, the Add button has been removed from the menu bar. However, it remains accessible from the context menu in the Portfolio section.

Since the context menu includes options that are directly available as buttons on the desktop version, it is now only visible on mobile devices.

Additional periods to choose fromCopy

You now have the option to use additional time periods:

  • hold will apply the holding period of whatever you are viewing. It is similar to max, but hold ends when you closed all positions (or today if they are still open).

  • qtd stands for Quarter to Date, which is similar to mtd (Month to Date) and ytd (Year to Date).

  • 1q represents one quarter ago.

  • -6m +6m (or simply 6m 6m) selects a time frame of 6 months before and 6 months after the current date.

Additionally, all charts will now consistently use the same time period you select.

And more...Copy

There's a lot of other changes under the hood that enable some awesome future updates. As always, there is also a host of minor bug fixes and quality improvements.

New Explorer metricsCopy

Each metric tab will now display additional related metrics when you activate it. Among them are completely new ones like:

  • Average Asset Buy Price, also available on the asset's price chart

  • Unrealized Returns and their ROI - showing returns of currently opened positions

  • Open & Close Win Rates - what part of your currently opened or closed investments brought profit?

  • Fixed Income per Month and Day - how close are you to a salary sponsored by fixed income?

  • Fees broken down into cost of opening, closing, fixed-income and other

New Period selectorCopy

Switching time periods should be quick and easy. With the new selector you can pick one of the predefined periods, type in yours (eg. 2020 : 2023, 2020-06 : ytd, 2023-12), or choose with a date-picker. Then, you can quickly compare year-to-year or period-to-period by jumping back and forth with +/-1 buttons.

Finally, you can pin the ones you need most often to see them directly in the Explorer and Summary. And yes, YTD & MTD have finally arrived as well!

Returns calculation optionsCopy

Everybody understands returns a little bit differently and now you can tweak how Capitally calculates them. You can choose the method and whether fees and taxes should be included. The options are available under the Cog icon next to the currency selector. You can change them just for one Explorer session or set as defaults for the project, so Summary will also use them.

And if you're looking for the benchmark selector in Explorer - it's now moved to the second row under Return Rate tab.

And more...Copy

  • Fixed Income Yield on Cost is now more accurate

  • Assets will have Domicile Country defined in their taxonomies (handy for upcoming taxes!)

  • You can add the Cashflow column to the Transactions table if you want to see how much money you've put in or out within a transaction (includes cost/revenue, fees and tax paid)

  • Some asset's prices where not updating for the past week - sorry for that!

Capital & Currency Returns
10 January 2024v1.18.0

Ever wondered actually how much you gain/loose from exposure to foreign currencies? Wonder no more. Capitally has now two additional columns - Capital Returns and Currency Returns which you can add to the table, plus you can check them broken down into sub-periods - just head over to Returns and choose the Periods chart.

Plus in preparation for the upcoming taxes support, you can now add Tax Paid to your transactions, to log taxes withheld from your returns by the broker.

Performance Improvements
8 January 2024v1.17.0

We're kicking off the year with some serious performance improvements for larger projects.

If you have a large number of assets or transactions, you should see a big difference in how fast the prices are loaded and how quickly you can navigate across pages. 🚀

Small Improvements
13 December 2023v1.14.0

A lot of small improvements have been released today along with bigger, invisible groundworks needed for better market symbols support. You're asking for a lot of new ISINs to be added (keep them coming! 🤩). As reindexing them is a painful process we're aiming to change that.

  • Line graphs display the last value in a label for quick visual confirmation.

  • Nested taxonomies will have a separate breadcrumb for each level for quicker navigation.

  • Back button will only be displayed in installed apps - in browsers you can use the built-in one.

  • Summary layout has been cleaned up a little bit, with the default Benchmark set to SPY 500.

  • Transactions can now use dates as early as year 1950. Our currency data is currently limited to last 25 years, but if your transaction and asset are in Project's currency - you should be good to go.

  • Logging in should now be a little bit faster.

  • A Reset prices cache has been added to user profile - you can use it in rare cases where our data provider corrects historical price data.

  • Issues with exporting data and remote keys are now resolved.

  • We now accept Affiliates - if you have an audience you can share Capitally with, check out out affiliates portal.

Easier custom asset pricing
4 December 2023v1.12.10

Improved Price Handling for Unlisted Assets: When there's no market price available for a certain date (for example, for pre-IPO or custom assets), Capitally will now use the price from your BUY or SELL transaction by default. Remember, you can still manually input a different market price at any time.

Refined Asset Search: You should encounter delisted symbols less frequently when searching for assets. Plus, both delisted symbols and assets will now be clearly marked in search results and the explorer.

Expanded Symbols and Taxonomies: We've added a plethora of new symbols and taxonomies. If you've noticed any missing from your portfolio, now's a good time to refresh and see the updates.

Improved Import Templates: Schwab, XTB, eMakler, and Bossa.

And some more minor enhancements and fixes...

Say hello to a new way to organise your investments 👋 - taxonomies group your assets by categories, regions, and sectors. They're pretty flexible, so you can adjust or add to these groupings to match how you think about your portfolio. And, of course, you can organize any custom assets you've added in the same way.

To tie it all together, there's a new X-Ray chart that gives you a visual breakdown of your investments. You'll be able to see at a glance how your assets are spread across different regions, categories, accounts or any group you choose. It's kind of like having a map of your portfolio and it works with portfolios of any size. Plus, this chart works with all sorts of metrics, so whether you're looking at returns, allocation, or fixed income, you'll get a detailed picture.

Lear more about taxonomies.

Better Market Symbol Selection
12 October 2023v1.9.2

When importing or adding new assets, it's now possible to quickly select an exact Market Symbol you want to use. By default, we'll pick the one with the longest history and highest quality of data, but if you want to track a specific one, here's what you can do:

  • Type in the market symbol with all UPPER CASE letters. You can add a market suffix to be more specific. Your market symbol will show up first on the list.

  • When importing from a broker, match the Symbol column instead of the ISIN for Assets

  • And/or click the icon in the asset dropdown to edit the asset however you need (or just verify the price chart).

Asset, Account and Transaction Tags
10 October 2023v1.8.0

You can now organize your portfolio by tagging Assets, Accounts and Transactions with hierarchical tags! As Transactions inherit the tags of their Asset & Account, it allows for a truly robust categorization, like asset ownership (down to a single unit), availability, timing or anything you require.

Read more about tags in their help article or check them out in the demo.

It's now possible to sign-in using a Google account (for new users only).

As we're using the User Password to encrypt the data, we've added a new encryption method for passwordles accounts that retrieves the encryption key from our server (stored separately from data). One advantage of this method is that you won't loose access to your data, even if you forget your password and loose your device. You can change your encryption in the Project's settings.

29 September 2023v1.6.0

You can now get a summary of your portfolio's performance delivered daily, weekly, or monthly to both your desktop and mobile devices.

You can choose which day of the week or the specific time you wish to receive them to seamlessly blend with your routine.

And as with everything in Capitally, all calculations are done on your device, ensuring your financial data remains completely private.

To get started, head over to Project Settings and enable Notifications!

Help Articles
25 September 2023v1.5.0

We've added help articles and guides, ready for you right within the app or via this link.

Along with a usual side of bug fixes and improvements (released throughout the month):

  • Templates for StockMarketEye & Fidelity

  • Market prices for thousands of US & EU mutual funds

  • More market symbol suffixes for more accurate searching

  • Added current totals to tooltips in Explorer metric tabs

  • Aggregated Yield on Cost should now be accurate (cost-basis was incorrectly weighted if multiple different assets where involved)

  • Fixes to imports, benchmarks, explorer exports, asset editing and more

Performance Improvements
22 August 2023v1.2.0

We optimized how Capitally handles live market prices, so now your investments will update quicker than ever.

Our closed beta is wrapping up, and we're thrilled to announce that Capitally is transitioning to a paid subscription model. This allows us to keep improving the app and provide awesome new features. There's a 14-day free trial, so there's ample time to try it out. For a limited time period the price is just €5/month or €50/year + tax. Plus all users who joined the beta can expect a thank-you discount code arriving in their inboxes soon!

Fixed IncomeCopy

Diversifying your income just got a whole lot easier. Capitally now boasts its own Fixed Income section, allowing you to easily track and compare dividends, including rent returns on Real Estate and Bond interests. It's not only about market price anymore!

Explorer FilteringCopy

Using a field above the Explorer table, you can now filter by typing. Items filtered out won’t be displayed in graphs and metrics, helping to narrow your focus faster. Want to match multiple different things? Use a comma (like "apple, microsoft"). To exclude a word, use an exclamation mark (like "etf !bond"). It’s that simple.

Custom BenchmarksCopy

You can now use any asset - either owned by you or market-traded - as your benchmark. All you need to do is type its name when selecting a benchmark, and it's done.

Explorer Column EditingCopy

The personalisation doesn't stop there! Explorer tables allow you to select and rearrange columns according to your preference.

New Explorer UICopy

Lastly, Explore section's UI is completely redesigned. It's now more readable, organized, and overall a smoother experience. I think you'll love it