Setting custom asset prices

You can customize the market price data in Capitally for any asset in your portfolio. This allows you to track any asset, whether publicly traded or not, and tweak the market data if it does not match your records.

A few ways to set custom asset pricesCopy

When Editing an AssetCopy

  • Open the asset details and go to the Prices section.

  • Click the blue + in the prices table.

  • Enter the date and price.

  • You can add multiple custom prices by copying and pasting rows from a spreadsheet with two columns for date and price.

When Adding or Editing a TransactionCopy

When editing a Buy, Sell or Balance transaction you have an option to specify the current market price. Just click the pencil icon next to the Market Price and save the transaction.

By Editing a PositionCopy

When viewing the Positions tab in Portfolio, you can double click on a row, or choose Edit position from the context menu. You can change both the Quantity and Market Price there, so it's great to quickly update your account balances and market prices of custom assets.

By Importing Prices from CSVCopy

You can download or prepare a CSV file with columns for Date, Asset Name/Ticker, and Market Price. Then just follow the guide on importing from the file. For the Transaction Type you want to choose Account Balance or Update Market Price and remember to assign the price column to Market Price.

Keeping the prices up-to-dateCopy

If you have assets that require manual price or balance updates, you can streamline updating them by:

  • Adding a Tag to the asset (eg. Manual Updates)

  • Enabling the Last Manual Price Update in the Assets tab and sorting on that column in descending order

Now you can navigate to the Manual Updates tag, open the Positions tab and see the list of assets that need to be updated (with the ones being the most out-of-date on top). You can then update both the price and balance by double-clicking the table rows.

You can bookmark that view to quickly open it in the future with the same settings.